Tuesday, October 30, 2007


If yiu are addicted to alcohol, herion, crack..............you get an inpatient program lovingly payed for by your insurance where you are sedated for several days and kept locked up.

Quit smoking? (Which is supposed to be more addictive than Herion) good luck, tough out those cravings. Rah, rah, crap.

I want my 3 days in lock down with tons of Ativan pumping through me.

24 plus hours in. I feel like some strange combo of Michael Myers/Jack Nicholson and Sylvia Plathe. I wonder what my kids would look like duct taped to the wall. And the dogs. How many shots of tequila will it take to knock me out? Why isn't hubby home from work yet? (Probably intentional after speaking to me a couple of times today.)

Who stole my willpower? Cause I really need it back. NOW!

Wonder if I will get kicked out of homeschool group tomorrow..............................


Me said...

Don't you know all homeschool parents are crazy? One nuerotic episode of nic fits will not get you banned.

Me said...

In case you're wondering who the heck I am, I'm the Old Hippy Chick