Friday, October 26, 2007

Lunchable................bane or boon?

The familiar cry of "please, please, please, please, please may we have Lunchables today?" Well, from the girls at least. J wanted a grapefruit?????

Of course B did not actually eat any of hers. So we spent the afternoon with her complaining of hunger and me ignoring her pleas. At least after about the 50th explanation of how she will wait for dinner. She begs, she pouts, she cries....................she reminds me it's her birthday on Sunday. Ah, the reasoning of children..........................and their ability to infuriate me!

Let's not even talk about the not smoking thing............trying to think of sunnier thoughts!

1 comment:

Renee said...

Oh - I can see B's face while she does all of the above. Hope you held firm.