Thursday, December 6, 2007

No title applies.

Too many little things.

S went to the eye doc today and it was discover that she "over focuses". I am still not quite sure what this means, but it makes it difficult to read at times as the words are all a blur and make no sense. I feel bad. Last years appt was fine, so I thought she was making this up. Special glasses will be ready in a couple of weeks. Speech therapy to start soon also.

J's foot is taking forever to heal. I think he will probably end up missing the entire competative gymnastics season. Bummer.

B is driving me bonky, I think she really is related to Stitch. "Cousin".

Unexpected trip home to see the parents for Chanukah this weekend. They don't really care if I come. My sole purpose is to keep the kids *in line* after they have been sugared up and spoiled rotton.


Renee said...

Happy Chanukah! And big bummer about S's eyes and J's foot. It's not like they never make up stories so why would we doubt them, huh?

Christine said...

Over focusing? I don't get it. How would glasses help?


Renee said...

Christine - don't be silly. You get glasses, you smudge them, then the overfocusing equalizes it all.

JK - I know it's not a joke.

Sandy said...

Happy Chanukah! Hope all is well with S & J.