Monday, November 26, 2007

Pooey on Cyber Monday!

I had really hoped that I would have oodles of order from my Amazon storefront today. Not only did I have no orders, I had to rip out about half a skein from my Dad's scarf.

Note to self: do not crochet while seriously involved in a movie.

Poor hubby does not have a day off until December 3rd. Hanukah starts on the night of the 4th. I still have to shop. This so sucks!

WARNING: I might have to abandon them at HS group. (To sneak out and shop). Guess I won't see Renee or Christine this week:)


Renee said...

This is why Meijer and Walmart are open 24 hours. When do you think I shop?

Brenda said...

This is why I buy scarves. : )

LRC said...

Renee - none of the stuff I want is at either of those stores;( Chris did not get home until 8 tonight.

Brenda - I make some nice scarves, if I get mine done in time, maybe I could make some for you:) (Like I am going to get done in time....)

Maybe for next year!

Christine said...

I guess I'm OK with you not being there, as long as you're buying a gift for me. ;-)

Do whatcha gotta do, we'll survive somehow.

Renee said...

Hey - I already made Brenda a scarf last year!

I need to do more than move the throw around that I am trying to get done by 12/22. It's about 1/2 complete. Why do I do this?