Sunday, November 18, 2007

This day SO sucks.

That said, I won't go into gory details. I don't even know that I can right now.

Lets just say that I have no alcohol in the house, tomorrow is my birthday, and my neighbors dog died in my lap about an hour ago.

I guess I never should have asked for the milk.

Also, to follow a friend's brilliant idea: Tampax, Always, Bandaid, Coors Light, Jose Ceurvo, Puffs Plus. Send away folks, I have a need for all of these!

If this post makes sense to you, you must know how I think.


Christine said...

Good grief! What happened to the dog?

And to my surprise I find myself in need of all of those things myself. I'm afraid I have none to send.

Renee said...

LRC - Oh - I am so sorry for you and the poor puppy! Call if I can do anything. I figure I owe you a few hours of commiseration.

Tomorrow is our anniversary - Happy Birthday as much as possible.

And surprisingly - I understood this blog very well. ;-D

Sandy said...

I am sorry about the dog. Happy birthday (mine was Friday). I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow in spite of needing those things ( and I do understand).

Me said...

Sorry I missed your birthday.
Hope this is a happy year.

No offense, but I'm keeping my dog away from you for a little while.

Not too funny.

I once had a dog go south while in my care. So TOTALLY sucks. Guilt, sadness, trying to be a good friend.

I'm paypaling a bottle of wine to you now. Check your account.

Could that really work?