Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Years Resolutions!

For the first time in many years, I have actually made some resolutions I think I can stick too. Maybe. Hopefully.

1. Wear actual clothing! Usually, unless it is HS group day, I shower and put on clean jammy pants.

2. Freecycle half the contents of the house so I can actually find something. Or fill it with other stuff...

3. Really try to grow my online business so that I am not always fretting over the bills.

I think I might actually be able to do these this year:)


Sandy said...

I like your resolutions!

Me said...

What? No Tap Dancing?
What kind of resolutions are those?

I need to shovel my house too.
I have a beautiful maternity dress hanging in the garage that I have to sell or give away.
My youngest is 8!
But worse, it is a Christmas dress. The little one was born in November. This was from the pregnancy with the girl who becomes a teenager next month!

Renee said...

Good Luck! I'm sticking with my resolution to sleep in. I need some success in my life.

Christine said...

No more jammie pants? Oh the horror!!