Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Idiodic injury.

I am not even sure I have the words to describe just how idiotic, and painful, this is.

I actually swallowed the wrong way, whatever that is, and brought on a huge coughing, gasping, falling on the kitchen floor fit, before hs group this morning.

I knew I had hurt my back, but I was also afraid that I had exploded something in my brain, as I had a headache all morning centrally located above my left temple.

Fortunately, I am still breathing this evening, and my brain seems to be functioning as well as usual.

My back is a different story. Hubby has already taken steps so I do not have to leave the house tomorrow if I am unable.

It sucks to be aging. I am only 41 and already forgetting how to breathe without an incident.

What happens next?


Sandy said...

I completely understand.

Christine said...

Still snickering over this one.

You ok?

Me said...

Am I evil for chuckling at the visual image you offered up there?

Hope all is well now and your back is as fit as your brain.

For me, that might not be such a good thing.